The Uluru Statement From the Heart painting. (Image credit: The Uluru Dialogue)
On the 14th of October, Australia is holding a referendum which seeks to alter the constitution to recognise the First People’s of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. It’s a very simple yes/no question and I guess it won’t surprise anyone that I’m firmly on the “Yes” side.
It seems extraordinary to me that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples aren’t already recognised in the Constitution as the first people’s of Australia, and don’t already have a say on laws and policies that specifically impact on them. As soon as I heard about Writers for the Voice, I was delighted to join them. The website is incredibly informative, well pulled together and a great way to find out more about what is really a very simple, and important change that is long overdue. https://writersforthevoice.com.au/background.