New book is now out!

My new poetry book Density of Compact Bone is now out from Ginninderra Press.  Of the book, the wonderful Ivy Ireland says:

“The poems of Magdalena Ball’s The Density of Compact Bone are utterly visceral, sometimes temporal, but never quite ephemeral – lines will ring out in waves inside the mind long after the final page has been turned. These poems are not only haunting, but haunted: by the sense of something undetermined gone missing and also by what is known to be lost. These are poems explored through the body; internal, intimate and yet filled with paradigmatic shifts: from personal grief to global keening, from the blurred landscape of raw human feeling to the clear data of exacting scientific analysis. Apocalypse is rife here, but this collection moves beyond a dissection of our end times. These poems are intelligent – at times almost mordantly so – meticulously crafted and ontologically restless, yet somehow Ball’s humour, unassuming warmth, and varied musings on the movement of birds, the colour of planets or the buzzing of bees, leaves the reader feeling as though they have been gifted a potent balm for the relentless wounding ubiquitous here in the Anthropocene.”

To purchase, visit Ginninderra Press:

Or you can buy from Amazon:

Or best of all, ask for it from your local bookshop.  They should be able to get it in for you (and save you postage!).  Ebooks or hardcopies are available from most online retailers.

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