I’m stunned and delighted to report that my poem “Soil Horizon (O)” has been chosen as one of the winners of this year’s
Queensland Regional Art Awards (QRAA) Ekphrasis Challenge by judge Marjon Mossammaparast. The poem was a response to Helen Deniss’ beautiful award-winning artwork “Resilience”. All of the winners can be read and viewed at the Qld Poetry website: https://www.qldpoetry.org/qraa-ekphrasis-challenge-copy and my own piece can be read in full here: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/605d85f92ea1c36bf259971f/t/63951f56fdd1fe1c9049a8f7/1670717270782/Soil+Horizon+%28O%29_Magdelena+Ball.pdf