Write Here! Workshop on the verse memoir

Lake Macquarie’s annual Write Here program is on again at various venues around Lake Macquarie from the 16th to the 19th of May and includes sessions on everything from comedy writing to audio books, crime writing, and lots of different types of memoir (which is very popular at the moment).  I’ll be giving a workshop on the 18th at Toronto library on Writing the Verse Memoir – that is, using the tools of poetry to create a memoir. The workshop will be hands-on and you will leave with a good idea of how to utilise the tools of poetry to enhance your own storytelling – whether that’s a straight memoir or whether you want to utilise the elements in fiction, biography, or any other genre.  You’ll leave the session with plenty of material!  More information and booking details here: https://library.lakemac.com.au/Events/Writing-the-verse-memoir-Magdalena-Ball

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