Lake Macquarie Write Here events

I’ve got two fantastic events coming up. Actually I’ve got lots – I’m a lucky girl – but two events that I haven’t mentioned here as yet are with Lake Macquarie’s wonderful Write Here festival which is being held from the  16-18 May. The first is a literary cruise!  I’ll be leading attendees in a series of writing exercises focusing on the beautiful Lake Macquarie while we enjoy a delicious Devonshire tea. The cruise leaves from Booragul Public Wharf on Friday the 16th of May at 10am and has already begun booking so get in quick if you’d like to join us:

The second is a free session with the stunning performance poets Rob Walker and Sara Crane on Saturday, 17 May, from 2-3pm at the Windale Hub, bilyabayi. Rob and Sara are both seasoned and powerful poetry performers (bring tissues!), and I can’t wait to tease out their secrets for you!  Details here:

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